The Fault in Our Stars

I want to write about an amazing book named THE FAULT IN OUR STARS. I first watched the film then read the book. It’s a very good book and I really enjoyed reading this book and I can only recommend it to everyone. It is about a girl named Hazel Grace Lancaster and a boy named Augustus Walters. These two people are meant to be together. They both had cancer. Hazel is still suffering of tyroid cancer, Augustus Walters suffered through bone cancer and lost half of his leg. Mostly you can see that Hazel Grace is sick because she is carrying or better pulling around an oxygen tank. They meet at a support group that Hazel actually does really not want to go to. They meet and fall in love. They talk about life, death and about Hazels favorite book that ends in the middle of a sentence. Soon they want to find the ending of this book, wich leads them to a nice and complicated trip to Amsterdam, to find the Author and to ask him some questions about the book and how the book ends. This trip will change both of their lives. Mostly book about cancer are pretty boring, this book is different. John Green managed to make it funny, and still shows haw cancer really is and what a different life people with cancer have. The nice thing about this book is that it’s not about dying. It’s a book about life. In this book John Green has put all his talent into a book and made it to a world-wide bestseller.


The book is about a 10 year old boy named Augustin Pullman. He is acctually a normal boy but he has a problem. His face is nothing like other faces. This makes Augustin’s life very hard because noone will accept him the way he looks and wont want to know him and how he really is. The book is mainly about that to his 10th birthday his parents decide that they can’t teach him anymore at home and send him to middle-school so he can live a normal life like other kids of his age. Augustin is scared and doesn’t want to go. We liked the book very much and we think that every age could read it and enjoy.